There are various vaginal odor remedies which can be used to help eliminate that unpleasant fishy vaginal smell. Firstly though, it is important to understand that you are not alone with this problem. Although it is a subject which many women choose not to speak about, it actually affects over 70% of women at some point in their lives and for most, it is a recurrent problem for which they cannot find a permanent solution.
Your starting point should be to try some very simple vaginal odor remedies which you may find are sufficient. However, if you are one of the many women who suffer repeatedly from this problem, you may need to use a more robust method which will show you how to eliminate vaginal odor once and for all-and guarantee that you are free of this condition for good.
One of the simplest ways to deal with unpleasant vaginal smell is to ensure that you always wear cotton panties. Synthetic materials do not allow the area to "breathe" and can trap in bacteria which can make existing issues worse and can even contribute to causing bad smells. For many women, once they find that they have unpleasant odors, one of the first things they do is to frequently and vigorously wash themselves. This is one of the worse things you can do as it will strip the vaginal area of its natural flora and often cause bacterial overgrowth. Washing the area twice daily is sufficient-any more and you will be worsening the problem. In addition, you should never used perfumed products on the vaginal area as these can irritate the area, making it inflamed which prompts the production of bacteria which can cause discharge and the accompanying fishy vaginal smell. Another common practice which can worsen the condition is douching. This has the same effect as overwashing, in that it strips the area of natural secretions which keep the vagina healthy.
Some women find that using tea tree oil pessaries and inserting a tampon soaked in live yogurt are good natural vaginal odor remedies. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and can therefore help reduce harmful bacteria. The beneficial bacteria in live yogurt can help to replenish depleted supplies which should naturally be present in the vagina and the lack of them can cause odor, so both can work in different ways and could be worth trying, a couple of days apart.
For many women though, that fishy vaginal smell just will not go away permanently and the most likely cause is bacterial vaginosis. This condition occurs due to a bacterial imbalance within the vagina. Often there is no obvious cause, although likely causes include overwashing, douching, a change in sexual partner or even simply being generally unwell can reduce your resistance to infection, depleting supplies of the beneficial bacteria which naturally populates the vagina. The typical symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include itching, burning, a watery gray or white vaginal discharge and the offensive fishy vaginal smell.
Although antibiotics are sometimes given to treat bacterial vaginosis, these are never the best option as although they may clear the symptoms of the condition within a few days, the fact that they kill off both beneficial and harmful bacteria means that as soon as bacteria naturally begins to repopulate the vagina, the beneficial bacteria will not be of sufficient strength to control the harmful bacteria and the whole cycle will start again.
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